Sunday, August 7, 2011

Saddle training plan

Look who's wearing a bareback pad without a worry in the world!

 You will be happy to know that we have a plan!  I will not be willy-nilly, flying by the seat of my pants, starting my first horse under saddle. (Whew!)  Gail Bloxham has come to the rescue again!  She proposed the most exciting idea to me:  We ask Brent Graef to help us get him started.  Remember Brent from my "Day 16" post?  He is the one who halter trained a filly in a demonstration last year, and got me inspired to get moving with Skip.  I really admired his compassionate touch with the horses.  This year, I have signed up to take his clinic in October with my other horse, Dixie, and he has agreed to work with Skip and I for about an hour after each day of the clinic!  Of course, I will be paying for his time, but I am sure it will be worth every second.  On top of that, Gail wants to work with Skip and I once a week until the clinic in October to make sure we are prepared for the next step.

I cheated today and put the bareback pad on Skip.  I knew he wouldn't have any worries about it because he is so used to wearing blankets, and I have been getting him used to the feel of a girth by simulating one with my lead rope.  As expected, he never even gave it a second glance.  I made sure to introduce the pad and girth just like I do everything he hasn't experienced before, but even flapping it around over is head didn't phase him.  I tightened and loosened the girth several times, and besides ask me for a cookie once, he didn't even turn his head.  We went for a walk and played our 7 Parelli games with the pad on, and he acted like a very grown up boy.  I haven't done more than just lay over his back, and he still doesn't mind that in the least.  Gail told me to wait for her before moving on, so I will follow her advise.  Thank you Gail! 

He is Kaia's best friend


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