Friday, May 20, 2011

Huckeberry's Adventures

Today was our third trip to the pond, and we made the most of it.  Huckleberry seemed excited to be going somewhere, and the whole time I was saddling Cohassett up, he hung around us like an eager child.  He allowed me to pick his feet and put his boots on without being tied up, and when it was time to leave, he was right in "pony" position, ready to go.  The ride up to the pond was a brisk one.  Both horses were feeling energetic, so we did a lot of trotting along the way.  Cohassett seemed to know exactly where we were going (I think I need to change my route!), and led the way willingly to the pond.  I finally managed to handle my camera on this journey, so here are a few shots for you:
Buddies all the way

Havin' a soak


Kaia's helping... can't you tell?

Splashing around
Flinging water with his mouth!

Three Amigos

The ride home was very interesting.  Huckleberry was reluctant to leave the pond, but after making me drop his lead rope a few times because he put on the brakes and Cohassett didn't... we finally managed to pick up a comfortable trot up the path towards home.  When we reached a fork in the road, I allowed Cohassett to choose the way, and he surprised me by choosing the long way home.  Not far past that turn, we came across a VERY scarey real-estate sign that hadn't been there before.  Cohassett jumped out of his skin and landed about 10 feet from where he started.  Thankfully, I stayed on his back, but lost Huck's lead rope, yet again.  Huckleberry only jumped a few feet, so poor Cohassett had to go back towards the scarey sign to pick up his pony... whom we now know is braver than the old man! 

Good boy Huckleberry Pie!!  


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Birthday Boy!

Happy 2nd Birthday Huckleberry!!!!

... and for his birthday, his Auntie Alicia gave him a pedicure and a new pair of boots!

Tryin' them on for size

Look at me move!  

Thank you Auntie!


Friday, May 6, 2011

Huckleberry Pie goes for a swim

With this gorgeous weather, who could resist a ride up to the pond?

Cohassett and I saddled up and took Huckleberry for his longest pony ride yet today.  He still doesn't have any boots to fit him, so we stuck to the soft grass on the sides of the roads as much as possible.  With my puppy, Kaia, in the lead, we rode all the way up the back of my property to "Turtle-luckus Pond" about 1.5 miles away.  The pond was named by Alicia and her family because they turn their stray turtles loose there.  It is very full now, and has some tasty grass growing along the banks.


When we arrived at the pond, Kaia and Cohassett walked straight in to the water.  They were hot and sweaty by that time, so the water felt really good.  Huckleberry hesitated for about 1 second, but then strode right in behind Cohassett.  We spent about an hour wandering the banks of the pond, eating grass, and playing in the water.  Cohassett tried to lay down with me on him, but I managed to save myself at the last minute!  Huckleberry had lots of fun pawing at the water, and going in all the way to his shoulders.  It was great to see him playing and swishing his tail around as he splashed himself with water.

Unfortunately, I couldn't seem to manage my camera, in addition to all of the ropes and reins, so these pictures of our ride last week will have to suffice.  Hopefully we will do it again very soon!

Cohassett at Turtle-luckus pond

Enjoy the sunshine!